First Glance exists in the Kenmore community because a need for First Glance exists in the community. Best evidence of this: the 70% growth in number of students attending First Glance weekly in 2012. Last year, First Glance saw an average of 597 students each week, whereas in 2011, the average was 352. More and more students are coming, and we are seeing more and more needs desperate to be met.
Growth in our student base always brings about growth in other areas as well.
- As more needs became apparent, several programs were added to meet these needs.
- All programs saw growth in 2012. Some grew substantially in the number of students, some in volunteers, and some in both.
- With more students, more space becomes a necessity, and we therefore began an extension of our previous capital campaign, calling this one Explosion: Phase II.necessary
- It became imparative to fill new staff positions as the organization, so two interns and a business director were added.
- And to top it all off, we saw more spiritual growth and salvations in 2012 than ever before in the life of this ministry!
And now 2013 is already looking to be another year of considerable growth as well! We feel so blessed, and we truly believe that God has great plans for this organization for this year and the ones to come.
In 2012, God provided, opening up the hearts of the people, businesses, and foundations of this city, and though at times things may have been tight, we always had enough to meet the students' needs. We know God will continue to provide in 2013, but we also know that we must do our part, step out of our comfort zone, and really pursue even more avenues for funding.